Get instant access to the best practices of the top UC practices in the world on hiring and training incredible CA's in this one spectacular system!
Get a step-by-step 90-day program and walk through on how to hire and train rockstar CA's through the CA Accelerator Academy and weekly implementation calls.
Get lifetime access to the CA Accelerator Academy when you sign up for this program so you always have this system to take your new CA's through this Academy during their 90-day probationary period.
Get access to our 6 step hiring process including where to find great candidates, how to place an ad that works, how to do a great group interview, and more
Learn an Evergreen Hiring Process to ensure you hire great CAs every time to save time and effort, enabling you to attract and onboard top talent consistently.
Learn from the Authors of Upper Cervical Practice Mastery: Learn Success Secrets of the World's Top Upper Cervical Doctors directly through these video lessons, resources, and one-on-one coaching!
To learn more about purchasing this system for your practice complete the form below!
This is the system you need to hire and train incredible CA's!!!